
IEO Launchpad


Đơn vị tiền tệ mua:GPT
Thời gian bắt đầu:2023-10-01 00:00:00
Thời gian kết thúc:2024-01-29 00:00:00
Tổng số đã phát hành:1000000000.000000 GPT
Số lượng tham gia:20000000.000000 GPT
Mô tả dự án
Giới hạn ủa gói đăng ký :5000000.000000
Đơn giá mua :0.097161
Tối thiểu một lần :20000000.000000
Giới hạn ủa gói đăng ký :10000.000000

Industry background

GPTcoin coins are jointly launched by Mobie Exchange, with a limited issuance of 100 million. On October 31, 2022, the first subscription will be launched worldwide. The first subscription will have a circulation of 999999999 for 180 days. The subscription coins will be automatically released after 90 days of freezing. After the release, the currency market will open MBN/USDT trading pairs, and the contract market will open MBN/USDT trading pairs for trading. The price is expected to be 10 times of the subscription unit price

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